"There Are No Strangers Here"


"To form disciples who joyfully live out the mission of Jesus Christ"


Would you or your child like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation?  We would be delighted to accompany you and your family on their journey.

Children in the 6th grade are encouraged to begin preparing for Confirmation by enrolling in our faith formation program. If you're an adult seeking this Sacrament, please ask about our OCIA program.  Although you or your child may meet the minimum age requirements, we encourage you to consider the following - Is this the right time for you and your family to prepare for the Sacrament?  Teens - Are you willing to accept the responsilibility of preparing to receive the Sacrament of  Confirmation?  If yes, please see below for your next steps.


Our Confirmation Program takes place on Sundays from 11:15AM-12:30PM.

Our young people will gather in Trinity Center at 11:15AM. Then shortly after, candidates will go into breakout sessions in small groups with two(2) group leaders/mentors.  It is our hope that these small groups and mentors will grow in discipleship, not only for the length of formation but beyond.  We look forward to seeing life long bonds form out of their shared desire to grow closer to God.

1) Once small groups are formed, the mentors will discuss with their newly formed groups the vision of our program and everyone's role in the process.

2) Our small groups are led by two background checked and VIRTUS trained cleared adults. 

3) Throughout the year, the candidates will also take part in planned social activities, community service projects and praise and worship events.  We hope you are able to take advantage of these opportunities as they arise.


2024-25 RE-ENROLLMENT (continuing Confirmation Candidates) will be JULY 1-15

2024-25 NEW ENROLLMENT (new Confirmation Candidates) Opens JULY 15 until we have reached capacity.


Our 2024-25 Faith Formation Schedule will be posted in June. Families considering enrolling children in classes are required to be active registered members of the parish for atleast 3 months. 

1) Please complete the Faith Formation Registration Form - Fees are $100 per registrant.

2) Please provide a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate with the application.

Should you have any addtional questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Church Office.




"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."  (Matthew 28:19-20)